Day 188 Pretty Good Eats
Thursday, July 5 – Lily and Tristan enjoyed some pretty good eats last night at Pier 290. Â We picked blackberries behind the house this morning. We easily have a gallon of them now. Every night has brought out the local fire fly population. What fun those kids have chasing those glowing bugs all over the yard. We went to Yerkes Observatory yesterday which is only a few blocks from the house. What a fascinating place. Tristan is planning to make a reservation to look though the big telescope some night soon.
YUM! Now I could get into those! Great work: Now I am hungry!!!
You should try to get photos of the fireflies.
Any suggestions? I have my iPhone which is what the food shots are from. I also have the G11.
Hmmm…G11, high ISO, long exposure. That would get you trails of light. I don’t know if you have a high enough ISO to shoot fast…I just Googled ” photographing fireflies ” and there are a lot of pages on it. Some good luck on a 7D was 1600 ISO, f2 and 30 seconds. You might be able to replicate that on a G11. Play around a bit!
I want to chase fireflies, too!