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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 288 Lots of Texture Going On

Saturday, October 15 – Peeling paint and lots of texture – a photographer’s dream come true. I need to go back and try to get a better angle on this wood. Love that old pink paint. Son, Carl, tells me it used to be bright red when he was a youngster. We are busy working cattle this week in preparation for shipping the calves. I don’t have much internet time, so am sneaking on when I can. I have put lots of hours in to studying the photo walk submissions. Talk about a challenge. I finally have it down to the top 3. It is really tough. I know I have to go push that button to pick the winner eventually. But it is hard, as they all deserve to win. I would say our photo walk was a success judging by the photos that were taken.


  1. Leslee
    October 12th, 2011 | 3:41 pm

    Don’t be working too hard out there with the cattle and over doing it.
    I am glad I am not you having to pick one of those photos.

  2. Debbie
    October 12th, 2011 | 5:37 pm

    I’m glad I don’t have to pick one of those photos either. I know you had to pick one of many fantastic photos.

  3. Nicole
    October 14th, 2011 | 6:30 am

    Since you could only pick one winner, any chance you can tell us who your top three were?

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