Day 251 The Chicken Nuggets
Thursday, September 8 – The chicks that were hatched at school are growing up. Here are some shots of Poseiden, the Araucana rooster and Yard Bird, the Speckled Sussex hen. We have Isaak and Caramel, both hens, also, but they were being camera shy. We are getting an egg a day from the chicken nugget hens. That is really good, as pullets don’t usually start laying until they are 20 weeks and these girls were only 16 weeks. Must be that good organic feed they are eating. Yard Bird belongs to Emma and Poseiden is Becca’s.
They are so pretty!
Oh, they are so PRETTY! My chicks arrive September 20th. The chicken house is here and we will finish getting it totally together this weekend. I need to paint the outside too and this weekend is supposed to be warm.