Day 162 Famous Trees
Saturday, June 11 – I didn’t realize how far ahead I am getting. I still can’t sleep at night, so going through my photos is passing the time. I sure wish this jet lag would pass. I, for the life of me, do not understand what is so special about this stand of cypress trees. It is supposedly one of the most popular places to take pictures and even appears on stamps in Italy. They have a cannon there that shoots often to scare off birds, I guess. If you google cypress trees in Italy there is a picture of this grove of trees. We took lots of shots here from all different viewpoints; some low with flowers in front. Not an easy shot for me, as once I am down on the ground, my knees say stay there. We didn’t have a very nice blue sky this day, which would have helped the picture.
It took Cait a while to get changed around to our time zone when she went to France.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes her this time.
Not sure what is so great about that grove of trees either. Maybe something historic?????
You’re ahead; I’m behind…still great photos!!
Looks like there is a well worn path to the grove of trees as well so it must get a lot of foot traffic.
If you are up late, call me. I’m never asleep before midnight it seems. The older I get, the harder it is to fall asleep.