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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 160 H2O

Thursday, June 9 – This is how you drink water at restaurants in Italy. They do not bring you water in a pitcher, it is all bottled water. And then there is the choice between ‘naturale’ or ‘bubbly’. I just can not drink that fizzy water, just doesn’t seem like water to me. Most of the places we went brought you a big bottle that everyone shared. They were $2 Euros per small bottle, like this one.


  1. Debbie
    June 1st, 2011 | 11:18 am

    I don’t really like sparkling water either but I love that you get a choice between natural and sparkling. Sharing a big bottle is a great idea – almost like sharing a pitcher of water.

  2. Leslee
    June 1st, 2011 | 4:36 pm

    They don’t believe in ice either.


  3. June 1st, 2011 | 6:29 pm

    And it still probably comes out of the tap…{!-{P

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