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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 43 Goodbye 136 Horse Ranch Road

Saturday, February 12 – We are on the road by now heading  back to Montana. Plans are for a visit to Bryce and Zion canyons on the way from Saint George and then on to Draper and a much awaited IKEA visit. We have lots of room in the pickup topper for “stuff” that I have been wanting and unable to carry on a plane from Minnesota. I am sure Walter is going to head for Cabelas too. Here are a couple of shots of our house in Sedona. We loved it here and enjoyed this home so much. I am not sure if we will be back here or not, as I have met a photographer here who has a home she has offered us next year that is right down the road and absolutely awesome.



  1. Cheryl
    February 9th, 2011 | 8:30 pm

    You were missed.

  2. Debbie
    February 10th, 2011 | 6:11 pm

    Looks like a nice home to spend a month in! I’m sure you’ll be glad to be back home…or maybe not with all the snow they’ve had in Great Falls. Shep and Jade enjoyed Sedona too I think.

  3. Nicole
    February 10th, 2011 | 10:04 pm

    Hope you guys have a safe drive home!! I’m VERY jealous of the IKEA trip. I am thinking about visiting my dad in SLC just so I can go…but then Lee would kill me for all the stuff I’d want to bring back.

  4. February 11th, 2011 | 6:33 am

    Jade especially loved it at this house. I felt bad putting her in her cage yesterday. She ran and hid when we were ready to go.

  5. February 11th, 2011 | 6:34 am

    I am excited to go to IKEA. We are going to have to do some very creative packing after going there, I am sure.

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