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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 42 – A Very Scary Experience

Friday, February 11 -  Here are the shots I took in Jerome, AZ. Not a place I plan to go back to real soon. I found the road up and back almost as scary as Going To The Sun. This is an old mining town that they built right on the mountain side. The fronts of houses are on stilts even. The road winds up that steep grade with no guard rails. I kept my eyes shut most of the time and hyperventilated. Yes, I know, why did I go? Walter thought it would be a good experience. The lunch was good, but not that good. I took a shot of the carrot cake he had a piece of before we left.  It was in a case, so the pic is not that great. I am including two shots of the old burned out bank building where they have miscellaneous items, like an outhouse and a toilet, for people to toss coins in. Really strange, but there was a whole of money down there.Lots of interesting signs and buildings here.













  1. Debbie
    February 10th, 2011 | 6:10 pm

    Interesting place to put a toilet. Looks like people couldn’t hit the hole since money was all along the ground around the toilet.

  2. February 11th, 2011 | 6:36 am

    It was a very long way down there and a lucky shot if you did hit it. All the
    Things you were to aim at are toilets of some type.

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