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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 41 Our Last Excursion

Thursday, February 10 – Our last big outing was to Tuzicoot(can be spelled either way) ruins and to Jerome. The ruins were very impressive. As you can see they are huge. Bigger than anything else we have seen here. This one has 110 rooms and you can actually go inside the tower which was too dark for photos. This is the only ruins we saw that had a source for water. I included that one shot with people in it to show how big this place is(2nd to the last). The location on top of a hill was really eye catching as you drove on the highway outside of Cottonwood. Now Jerome, was another story. Oh, yes, the view was interesting (Walter said spectacular) if you were brave enough to look, that is. But the trip up that mountainside was something I will never do again. What a tourist trap once we got there. We did have a wonderful lunch at the Haunted Hamburger though.  For dessert we had Carrot Cake and Boston Cream Pie – the biggest pieces of dessert you have ever seen. The parking was scary and it was very crowded. The way they built the houses on that hillside brought shivers down my back. I will post photos of Jerome tomorrow. Off to do some last minute shopping uptown.











  1. Debbie
    February 8th, 2011 | 4:58 pm

    I just have to go to Sedona and surrounding area to see all of these ruins. It’s the archeologist coming out in me I guess. I told Rick I should have chosen that as my profession and he told me I’d probably be making about as much as I make right now working 1/2 time teaching. I laughed because it is probably true. I love all the photos you have been sharing and want to come and see it all myself someday.

  2. Cheryl
    February 9th, 2011 | 8:33 pm

    Reminds me of the aztec ruins in Tulum…

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