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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 35 Away He Goes

Friday, February 4 – Walter took a ride on the Verde Canyon Railroad Wilderness Route Train last week. Something he has wanted to do ever since he heard about it from Curtis. I get way too motion sick to even have considered it. He thought it was pretty cool, especially the service in 1st class.  The regular cars were booked and now he is glad that they were. These shots are all courtesy of Walter. He had to drive to Cottonwood and then to Clarkdale to catch it, which isn’t very far away. It was a 4 hour ride that he really enjoyed.







  1. February 3rd, 2011 | 10:04 am


    I wish I could have gone it with him….

    Better than sitting here thinking about a new knee!


  2. Debbie
    February 3rd, 2011 | 7:58 pm

    I get motion sick too and believe it or not, I didn’t have a hard time riding the train from Spokane to Montana and back all those times until the very last trip. The motion sickness hit me hard the last train trip!

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