Day 31 We Don’t Want One Of These Next Door
Monday, January 31 – Last day of the month and I am going to get on my soap box for a minute. As we were driving into Page Wednesday, I noticed three smoke stacks right behind town. I guess I didn’t give it a thought about what those stacks were. The big dam on Lake Powell, Glen Canyon Dam, looks to me to be supplying lots of hydroelectric power. What in the world is a coal fire generator doing there? As you can see it puffs out plenty of polluting smoke 24 hours a day. I don’t know where they haul the coal in from. Our guide for the Antelope Slot Canyon told me that they put the plant in in 1971 (I think), but put new technology in a couple of years ago. This is what our beautiful skyline east of Great Falls would look like if they had put that coal fire generator in that was purposed.Sure, it is fun to photograph, but I don’t really want to know what that smoke is doing to the people and land around Page. I sure wouldn’t want to be breathing it or have my children or grandchildren or friends breathing it either.
Love the lighting you captured in these images, especially the third one!
I noticed that awesome light just as we were leaving town. Had
Walter drive until I could get a clear shot with no power lines in the way. I have a whole set of these and it was hard to pick which to use. That final one was when the sun actually came up. Thanks for the comment.
Crazy that they have a coal fire generator with all that hydroelectric power for the taking! What were they thinking??