Day 324 Emma At The Vortex
Saturday, November 20 – Walter and Brad are off hunting elk this morning. Not something I would want to be doing at zero degrees. They went goose hunting yesterday when it was below zero and came home chilled to the bone. Hunters!!! I am staying inside where it is warm. I did get my registered calves weaned yesterday; the cows were waiting by the corral in the morning and it was pretty easy to just put the calves in. Now they have shelter and lots of water and hay. Here are some shots I took at the airport vortex in Sedona. Emma really got into the mediation idea and built a little tower like the one someone else had made. Emma, you are so funny.
Fun shots! That Emma has such a sense of humor and what a personality she has! It’s cold here too but not as cold as Montana. It’s in the 20s today but is supposed to dip much lower by Wednesday. 3 – 7 inches of snow is forecasted for us by Tuesday! It might just be a white Thanksgiving yet!