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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 319 Saturday Morning In Minneapolis

Monday, November 15 – I got back on Sunday from my excursion to Mayo Clinic and the Mall of America. All went well at the doc. I found out that I need knee surgery on my other knee which I am going to put off for as long as possible. The mall was as busy as ever. We were hit with one heck of a snow storm on Saturday. I am including photos of our view from the motel. Some are from our window, so aren’t the clearest. We stay across from the mall at the Fairfield Inn which is so nice. Aimee and I can walk back and forth that way. We ended up taking the shuttle for the first time when it was snowing so hard, but walked back which was an experience. I have a shot of IKEA before the storm and then after. You can just barely see it and that was when it was still good out. We couldn’t even see the parking lot an hour after this was taken.









  1. Debbie
    November 16th, 2010 | 5:31 pm

    Glad you are home safe and sound. Sounds like you and Aimee had a great time together shopping up a storm. We got just a dusting of snow this past weekend but it melted right away. It’s supposed to be down to -3 as a low on Thanksgiving over here. YIKES

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