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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 288 What A Difference A Day Makes

Friday, October 15 – I took the sunrise the last two mornings – just couldn’t help myself when I saw the colors. I thought it was pretty interesting how they change from day to day. We are finally done preconditioning calves and getting them moved around for shipping. I am going to a party tomorrow at Eric’s farm where we pick up our weekly vegies. Should be a fun time. He and Audra have been ‘backgrounding’ my chickens – meaning they have been feeding them and taking care of them until they are ready to be in a regular chicken coup without heat lamps. I am excited to get them home here in November. Bobbi, Billi and I are going to share the expenses and the resulting eggs.



  1. Debbie
    October 17th, 2010 | 8:13 am

    Love the colors in these shots. The top one has so much purple! Have fun at the party with Eric and Audra! I’ve joined the local CSA and am excited. Even though my partnership doesn’t start until next season, they are letting me get some veggies and fruit that will store over during the winter at the CSA price. On the last Wednesday of this month I get to pick up apples, potatoes (including blue/purple ones), onions, garlic and a few other things to store.

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