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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 287 On The Way To Camera Club

Thursday, October 14 – I took this on the way to Camera Club tonight of a typical Montana sunset. Gotta love those colors. I was pretty excited tonight, as I won an honorable mention for my photo of Tristan and the fly swatter. We have a contest each month where each member submits 4 photos that are sent to another club for judging. I did not know that it was a contest; just a critiquing. But was pretty surprised when I won one of the  ribbons that were awarded. That was pretty exciting considering there were some outstanding compositions submitted. I feel pretty intimidated by the other members’ work.  One of the members from Billings emailed me today to say that I should be very honored to receive a HM my first time out.  I was hostess tonight and brought brownies and chocolate cherry cake. I am really enjoying this group and am glad that I joined. I can learn so much from all the seasoned phototographers that have been shooting  for years.



  1. Debbie
    October 17th, 2010 | 8:11 am

    Congratulations! I’m not surprised, though! You are very talented, Robyn!! I’m so glad you found the group and are enjoying it. The desserts you took sound delicious!! YUM

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