Day 234 Starting Them Young
Sunday, August 22 – Lily and Tristan spent the night Friday and both are thoroughly addicted to the ipod touch. They get to use Grandpa’s when they come and what a fight it is to see who’s turn it is. Tristan is such a whiz at operating it. The only thing he can’t do is enter a password to buy. Lily is getting to be quite an expert herself which is amazing considering she isn’t even 2 yet. Her favorite game is I Hear Ewe and can her little fingers ever fly to get those animals to make their sounds. Switched from fluorescent WB to cloudy WB and what a difference it made – used the 5DM2 this time.
What a little cutie. =) She’s sure growing up so quickly. Glad you got to spend some grandma time with them this weekend!