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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 16 Photo and a horrible sad day

I ran over my favorite cat this morning at the barn and am having just a horrible day. I feel just sick and so guilty. This was Marilynn’s kitten that I kept here for her because her mom wouldn’t let her take it home. I raised Lucky when he was orphaned at 6 weeks.  I loved that little black and white kitty so much and looked forward to his sweet purring every morning when I fed him. He will be so missed. I believe our pets go to Heaven so he is now  with his mom.  I am going to share some photos that I took of Lucky this last fall for my photo of the day.



  1. Jenn
    January 16th, 2009 | 2:13 pm

    I am SO sorry for your loss Robyn!

  2. January 16th, 2009 | 2:49 pm

    I, too, am sorry to hear about Lucky. Just remember things happen for a reason, even if we never figure out the why of it.

    Curtis {=-{<

  3. January 16th, 2009 | 5:18 pm

    Hang in there!! I was sorry to hear about the little kitty too.
    Love the pictures of her.


  4. January 16th, 2009 | 7:15 pm

    I’m sorry to hear about the loss of this kitty. I hope you feel better about it soon.

  5. Debbie
    January 17th, 2009 | 11:29 am

    Lucky was beautiful. I’m so sorry she’s gone. I showed Zane her picture and he thought she was Spanky the kitten we lost last spring. HUGS


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