Day 363 Chase’s Turn Next
Tuesday, December 29 – Just a couple more days and we will be leaving 2009 in the dust. It is Chase’s turn for a PAD. He is grown into quite the handsome young man.  He got a new Acer computer for Christmas and, as you can see, he was pretty thrilled with it. Thank heavens his Grandma Robyn is up with the times and has internet, so he could get on right out of the box. Brynn got a new netbook computer( as did Brooke) and she and Chase sure were having fun with them, as you can see. A little fatherly advice from Gregg helped too, as he is a whiz with computers. It is a beautiful day out; lots of sunshine and it is 24 degrees at noon. I think I heard that we are going to see some above freezing temps with a southwest wind this week.
Wow is Chase growing up! What nice Christmas gifts Santa brought for Chase, Brooke and Brynn.