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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 362 Christmas Fun With Bryton and Gage

Monday, December 28 – Twins, Gage and Bryton, had a great time opening presents. Bryton is sure enjoying his new sled. Gage thinks that the wrapping paper might be the coolest present ever. They are getting all practiced up for their first birthday next month. They are both at the standing stage now and crawling everywhere. Tiffany is going to have her hands full chasing them in 2010. What little blessings they truly are.



  1. Debbie
    December 27th, 2009 | 8:45 am

    I love that first picture. They are so intrested in that package. They are so cute!! Look out, Tiff! As they begin to walk – you are going to be running even harder, if that is possible. =) It goes by so quickly and you won’t want to miss a minute although a good night’s sleep is always welcome.


  2. Debbie
    December 27th, 2009 | 8:46 am

    Oops – sorry about my typo and bad spelling in that last post. It’s supposed to say “interested” not intrested.

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