Day 347 Happy Birthday, Debbie
Sunday, December 13 – Your birthday was actually Friday, but I am ahead with my PADs, so this one is going to be posted a day early, but says it is two days late. I know, confusing!! Anyway, I thought this little fawn looked like she could be saying Happy Birthday to my friend in Washington. I took this a couple of months ago when we still had things like green grass. I am sure that this little beauty would rather see the weather like this too. I hope your day is the best ever. My thoughts are certainly with you, Debbie, even if I can’t be there in person. The wind continues to blow and the snow to drift here. It is almost 20 degree above zero which is welcomed. Imagine, just a few days ago it was that much below zero. Make sure to click on the photo to take a closer look.
I don’t know…that deer kind of looks like it was crossed with a llama…
…hmmmm…nice shot, either way!
Curtis {!-{>
I was thinking the exact same thing as my dad. llama/deer. 😀 great photo Robyn!
Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes!
I was surprised last night with a party at Simply Country Retreat house in Reardan. My husband had me snowed and the neighbors were in on it. I thought I was going to a Pampered Chef party. I feel blessed to have so such a wonderful family and so many wonderful friends in my life.
P.S. I don’t see the llama but the doe is adorable. =)