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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 334 Look What I Can Do

Monday, November 30 – This is the last day of November. Wow, just one more month of 2009 photos. Tomorrow is Bobbi and Billi’s birthdays too.  I took these of Gage today at Lily’s birthday party. He loves to have things, like hats, on his head, so Becca decided to try blocks. Remember, he was the one that liked the Halloween wigs. What a cute little character!




  1. November 29th, 2009 | 9:48 pm

    Hey, that’s pretty good to keep them on the head very long! Nice shots.

    Curtis {!-{>

  2. Debbie
    November 30th, 2009 | 8:25 am

    What a doll Gage is! Happy early birthday to Bobbi and Billi!


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