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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

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I got home last night from my photographic workshop in Portland. It was snowing on Roger’s Pass and I am sure glad I came last night. It was a fun trip and I so enjoyed the whole thing. It did rain, but we worked around that. I got to shoot some pretty spectacular scenery. There were 7 other photographers along and all were so enjoyable. Funny when you have a passion for photography how people can get along so well. There were lots of laughs and lots of learning experiences. My arm is healing nicely, though a bit purple and green yet. I will wear different shoes for going in the water next time. I am all signed up for the workshop with Bryan to Glacier next summer already. I plan on starting a training program with weight on my back to get ready for that hike. My new KATA camera bag worked great and I never even had a sore back at all. Guess I picked a really good design for me. I stopped in Spokane on the way home and bought a new point and shoot. It has been something I have been considering for some time now. I was looking at a Leica or Lumix, but ended up with the Canon G11 which just was released. The batteries are charging right now, so that I can try it out.  My photo will follow when the memory cards are finished downloading.


  1. Debbie
    October 20th, 2009 | 5:22 pm

    Glad to hear your arm is healing nicely, thankfully!

    What great pictures you’ll take in Glacier next summer. When is the class?

    Congratulations on your new camera. Enjoy playing with it. Let me know what you think of it after you’ve used it. My point and shoot is about wore out. I think it’s been dropped a few too many times by my husband although he’s not admitting that!


  2. October 20th, 2009 | 5:36 pm

    Hmmm…I have heard of that one somewhere before…

    Curtis {!-{>

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