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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 286 So Tristan!

Tuesday, October 13 – Just one more day and I am Portland bound. Tristan and I had such a good day. We went to town this morning after doing chores. Found a new warm coat for him to wear to the barn and got barn cat food for while I am gone. Then had lunch at the Udder Factory. He just had to have ice cream for dessert; 6 scoops, no less (gummy bear, strawberry, cookie dough, cake batter, firestick, pumpkin). He ate all but a one scoop. We found some markers and a color book and he has enjoyed them this afternoon. Now he is in watching his new Thomas movie. I have to be up early to get him to preschool, if he gets up for it and the weather holds. It sure feels better out tonight than yesterday did. This is a photo I took of Tristan playing with Lily. He was in full spiderman garb and having so much fun, giggling and rolling on the floor. To be that age again and loving the simple things of life – we grownups could learn so much from youngsters.


  1. October 13th, 2009 | 6:58 pm

    He’s such a cutie! This photo has so much action, and the fun in it just makes me smile!
    I’ve tried hard to get in contact…sent a long email, then another one, called and left messages. I wonder if you get any of my messages???? As a last resort, I’m leaving one here. I just left another one on your home phone tonight to say Have a Terrifically Wonderful Time in Portland! Enjoy every minute, learn a lot, and I sure wish I could be hanging out in my old stomping grounds with you and Jen! There are some awesome things to see there that only the locals know about, I’d love to show them to you some day! I hope I’ll hear from you soon…..Hugs to you both for your journey, be safe, be happy, I’ll look forward to your homecoming, Coleen

  2. Debbie
    October 13th, 2009 | 9:15 pm

    This picture is so Tristan! I love the expression on his face!


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