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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 243 I Feel So Yucky!

Monday, August 31 – My goodness, it is really the last day of the month. Is it my imagination that time seems to fly by faster the older one gets?  I spent time this past weekend cardmaking with friends which as a break I needed badly. We are off today (Sunday) to watch Tristan and Lily for a while. Poor little guy was here just a week ago and felt so yucky. He had that stomach flu that is going around and had been down all week. I sure hope he is feeling better today. He loves this silly Loon that I bought in Rochester and just cuddled with it on my couch. One of the few times I have seen him quiet.




  1. August 30th, 2009 | 10:13 am

    Poor guy. I caught this flu twice this summer, so I know how he felt. The one time, I just layed on the couch all day and watched survivorman. It was horrible. I hope he’s feeling better!

  2. Debbie
    August 31st, 2009 | 8:46 am

    Wow, Tristan really does look calm and quite. You captured that so nicely in these shots. He’s such a cutie pie, Robyn.


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