Day 230 I Ate The Whole Thing
Tuesday, August 17 – I spent the day with 5 of my grandchildren and what a day it was!! I hope they had as much fun as I did. We first watched a movie, then went to Hempl’s for donuts, off to Amazing Toys and then to lunch at The Udder Company and followed with ice cream. Brooke decided she needed 9 scoops of ice cream on her cone which they actually do called a Moo-la-la. I could not believe that she ate the whole thing!! Here is a series of photos of her enjoying her dessert. Becca ordered the same thing, but didn’t quite get through the whole thing. I will have photos of more of our adventure the next couple of days. They even did a circus show for me this afternoon. Oh, dear, who ever would have guessed that house paint and nail polish would become face paint, in a 9 year old’s eyes.  They got the paint off just fine, but the red nail polish nose took some remover and scrubbing. They definately surprised me with their version of a clown for sure. What a fun day!!
Wow, that is a lot of ice cream. What a day you had yesterday. Lots of memories! I’m looking forward to seeing more of the photos in the next few days.