Day 215 Those Cute Little Guys Again
Monday, August 3 – Just had to share some more shots of the twins. They are just way too cute to not share more photos. I have over 200 to go through to pick from for Tiffany to use in their baby book and scrapbooks. The first four are of Gage and the final four are of Brandon. We spent yesterday morning taking photos for my class assignment. Then the afternoon was spent up at our cabin with Bobbi and Billi and 4 of the grandkiddos. What a fun time we had!! The Grand Union was our next stop for dinner with Walter, Debbie and I thoroughly stuffing ourselves with Nick’s cuisine. Walter and Debbie each had steaks and I had my usual Huckleberry Chicken, which Nick fixed specially for me, as it isn’t on the menu right now. Today is going to be spent scrapbooking. Don’t forget to click on the photos to enlarge them.