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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 171 Lensbaby Cows

Saturday, June 20 – Sharing some Lensbaby photos that I took of cows yesterday. The first one is of Joan and her calf and Little Bess’s calf. I feel very lucky that she has a calf this year, as Joannie is getting really old. The second one is of a group of yearling heifers that I am AI’ing. They are enjoying their alfalfa bale. Make sure and click on the photos to get the full effect of that selective focus which is right in the center in these two shots. Now I need to get bending the lens to do some sweetspots that are not in the center.



  1. June 19th, 2009 | 10:38 am

    This lens makes the cows look really epic… they seem to be straight out of an action movie or something. I like. <3

  2. Jenn W
    June 19th, 2009 | 12:27 pm

    Robyn, these are incredible. You are doing fantastic with that lensbaby!

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