Day 168 Stolen Yummies
Wednesday, June 17 – I am ahead by a day, but figured with how busy I was yesterday and will be again today, I better post while I can. Came home to AI’ing which kept me down at the barn yesterday afternoon. We ran to town last night for groceries which were badly needed. Today, along with the regular ‘stuff’, I am going to have Tristan and Lily. Hope to get some shots of them. I am posting a squirrel photo that I took with my Lensbaby in front of the motel in Minneapolis for my first class assignment. The little guy or girl had been raiding the garbage and he took one look at me and up the tree he went with his ‘prize’. I will post more Lensbaby photos in the next couple of days. Most have been flower shots (go figure!!), but I thought this one was kind of neat showing how it has such selective focus and can be used for other things besides macro work. Be sure to click on the photo to enlarge, so that you get the full effect of that focusing. I bought the macro set and have used it like crazy. Now I know I need the other optics that go with it. You change your aperture by changing the optics.
Love the squirrel photo!
Enjoy Tristan and Lily today.
Just a little over a month until I come visit. I can hardly wait!