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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 189 I Did Not Like This

This is how I was greeted yesterday by the little visitor. I passed on picking up the watering hose.

Day 188 Hello There, Little Visitor

Look who came to visit yesterday when I went out to water the tomatoes. Snakes are not my favorite thing and I was more than glad when the little guy went visiting elsewhere.

Day 187 First Ripe Tomato

Just picked the first ripe tomato.

Day 186 New Orchid is Open

This beautiful orchid just opened yesterday. First time it has bloomed since I got it several years ago.

Day 185 Practicing

Just trying out my new macro lens on my new camera.

Day 184 Happy 4th of July

Made another trip to my friend, Theo’s beautiful back yard full of gorgeous flowers.

Day 183 The Beauty of Weeds

I think this proves that even weeds can be considered beautiful.

Day 182 Goodbye

Two of my orchid blooms decided to say goodbye today. I have been enjoying them for over a month. The color has been spectacular.

Day 181 Lazy Day

It is a lazy kind of Saturday according to Jazzy. Of course, everyday is pretty similar to the Princess!

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