The Morning Glories are blooming again on the 22nd of January! The sun porch really works. I am still picking tomatoes too.
What would it be like to sleep whenever you felt like it? Jasmine would say it is awesome. Try it sometime. It helps when you have someone to wait on your every desire.
Today’s sunrise was pretty nice. You would not know that there is a possible blizzard coming tomorrow night. Heavy snow and 50 mph winds. Yuck!
Can you guess what this is?
Some favorite takeout.
Took these out of the airplane window, as we were waiting to take off.
Just watch a neighboring plan loading up.
I noticed this pattern in the window in the restaurant at my hotel.
Had this for dinner tonight; Pineapple Chicken Flatbread. It was so good. Twigs is a great restaurant and is right in the Hotel.
Saw these leaves when I was out walking yesterday at the Mayo campus.
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