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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 161 Photographer

Getting down low for a flower.

Day 160 PPF

A pretty pink flower.

Day 159 Babies

One of my cacti sections got knocked off, so I put it in wet soil and look what is happening! It has baby branches growing.

Day 158 Crazy Things You Find in the Forest

A true photographer is not afraid to get down in the mud to get that closeup photo of a wildflower.

Day 157 Can You Guess?

Can you guess what this is?

Day 156 Strange Cloud

Took this one just off the highway on the way to Belt.

Day 155 Rainbow at Dusk

A pretty little rainbow at dusk looking down our road.

Day 154 KOA Billings

Here is what our view is behind our site at the Billings KOA.

Day 153 Cutie

Here is one of the baby kitties I am babysitting at my son’s house. The little guy is spending time in their Cat Palace and just peeking at me.

Day 152 My Guard Cat

When I work on the computer, Jade stands guard. Sometimes it is on the desk and sometimes it is napping by my feet.

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