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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 316 A Very Pretty Flower

The camera club visited Herman’s Flowers last Sunday to do some macro/closeup photography. We had a great turnout and got some outstanding photos from the club members. This is become an annual event for the club and I hope to keep it going in coming years.  I am working on a book for the owner of the flower shop that will include photos that were taken there. I did this last year also and she loved it.


Day 315 Getting Pertee!

I went to a essential oils party on Sunday and what a fun time we had. It was a spa party and we got to have a massage, soak our feet and make our own face masks to improve complexions. What do you think of this? I am sure she is going to love me for this one.


Day 314 Another Beautiful Sunrise

I never get tired of the beautiful sunrises that I can view from my bedroom window. This was this morning’s, despite the horrid wind that is howling.


Day 313 Sweet Baby

Rosemary is now a month old and so sweet. She certainly has her mom’s upturned nose. Walter took this one of his sweet granddaughter with his iPhone.


Day 312 Mom Gets Patriotic

imageMom made cards for veterans today. First time she joined in an activity in quite awhile. Way to go, Mom!


Day 311 A Change in Scene Again

Suer enough, the landscape has changed overnight again. And the white stuff stuck around all day and it is still white out tonight. Brrr. It is supposed to be a cold one.


Day 310 It Returns

Sure enough, we got snow again. And enough to cover my boots on the way to feed the chickens. I think the hens are boycotting the time change, as they have quit laying. Whoa, that snow looks pretty blue!


Day 309 She Looks Like Her Beautiful Mom

Our new little grand baby looks just like her beautiful mom and is growing like a week.



Day 308 Contrails

Lots of contrails tonight at sunset.

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Day 307 Afternoon Nap

Jade loves when Walter joins her for an afternoon nap.


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