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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 322 Blooming Desert

There are blooming plants in the desert as this bush proves. This was at the Alabama Hills.

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Day 321 Clouds

Aren’t these clouds gorgeous. This was just after sunset and the light was still playing on the cloud bank.


Day 320 A Lost Heart Found

I found this heart scratched into the sand at the Mesquite Dunes.


Day 319 Beautiful Bad Water

Perfect place for a dynamic sunrise. Lowest point in the whole park and you can view the highest peak in the continental US from here also.

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Day 318 Shapes

I could not get enough of the interesting salt shapes at Bad Water. Lovely place to shoot. Pretty neat knowing this is the lowest point in the park.

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Day 317 A Return To Cow Creek

We enjoyed Cow Creek so much that hours were spent here.  Nice place for sunrise, for sure.

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Day 316 Photographers Hard At Work

This is pure heaven for photographers; early morning shooting at Bad Water.


Day 315 Cowcreek, Early Morning

We got up before dawn to capture the early morning light each day. This was Cow Creek after sunrise. The water was very corrosive and you had to stay out of it. Ate the nylon of our instructor’s shoes.

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Day 314 The Mesquite Dunes

This was the view of the Mesquite Dunes from my motel room at Stove Pipe Wells.


Day 312 Sleeping Beauty

Jade knows how to look good, even when she is sleeping. I am going to miss her the next week, as I head out in the morning for Death Valley. I am looking forward to some nice 80 degree weather and some quality shooting time. It will be so good to see Doug again.


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