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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 315 Becca’s Daring Photos

Thursday, November 11 – Becca took these at the Grand Canyon of a very daring duo. Not something you will ever see me do. Looks to me like the lady was a bit braver than the gentleman. You can almost see her telling him, “Come on honey, it isn’t that bad.” Some nice story telling images, Becca. You did a great job. Make sure to click on them to get a closer view.




Day 314 Desert View

Wednesday, November 10 – We tried to hit every viewing point at the Grand Canyon south rim and almost made it. We missed getting to view from the tower at Desert View by just 10 minutes. As you can see from these shots, it was getting pretty dark when we got there.  A very neat place in the daylight, as I remember. Somewhere I will definately visit while we are there in January.


Day 313 Love That Rain

Tuesday, November 9 – Can’t beat rain on a wild rose. Sh0t with my G11.

Day 312 You Have To Kiss A Few Frogs

Monday, November 8 – Emma just could not resist kissing this frog statue at a shopping area in Sedona. Guess she has heard that you need to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince. My metal sculpture that I bought for my bathroom came yesterday. They shipped it for us and I am so glad that I picked what I did. It is in copper and  enamelled in orange and gold; shaped like a hug sun with wire rays. Now to get brave enough to put that 1st nail in my bathroom wall.


Day 311 Future Piano Players

Sunday, November 7 – I am flying out this morning for my annual trip to Mayo Clinic with Aimee. We will be power shopping at the Mall of America too. Here are some shots of Bryton and Gage Halloween night after a busy evening of Trick or Treating. They both took to the piano like it was made for them. They had some great cousin help going on too from Emma and Brynn. Oh, Tiff, you might have some piano playing cowboys there.

Day 310 The 7 Dwarfs

Saturday, November 6 – Did you know that the plural of dwarf can be either dwarfs or dwarves? Had to look that one up this morning in the dictionary. Sure enought it can be spelled either way. There is an awesome microbrewery/brewpub in Sedona that Curtis and Leslee had taken me to in the past. We just had to find it and have that beer sampler they call the 7 Dwarfs. Walter started at the light end and Brad at the dark ones. The food there is outstanding – a lot like the brew pub in Helena actually. It was a fun lunch. It was very hard to get a good shot, but here is one that gives you the idea of how they served the 7 brews that they make as a sampler.

Day 309 Halloween 2010

Friday, November 5 – It is hard to believe that Halloween 2010 has come and gone all ready. The weather is just too nice to be November; it is 68 out right now without a wind even.  It is supposed to be in the 70’s tomorrow. Not a typical November for sure. What a great time Tiffany and I had while she was here for Halloween. The boys are getting so grown up. Grandpa got them each a new big blue tractor to push around and did they ever have fun. Halloween was a great experience for them. They took to that Trick or Treat very easily and brought home quite a stash. Here are a few shots from that night.







Day 308 Our Home Away From Home

Thursday, October 4 – Here is the bed and breakfast that we stayed at in Sedona last week. This is the 4 plex of suites (ours was the bottom left one). The actual b&b was behind me along with the villas. It was called the Adobe Village Graham Inn. That is Bell Rock right behind. There are all kinds of hiking trails right out the back door of the suites. Grandpa Walter noticed this cool  turtle shaped rock while hiking with the girls one morning.


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