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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 235 I Am Tired Already Just Thinking About It

Monday, August 23 – Tristan can not wait until school starts Wednesday. He has been counting on his fingers all day how many more days it is until that first day of Kindergarten. A pretty big milestone in a 5 year old’s life. Makes a guy tired just thinking about it.



Day 234 Starting Them Young

Sunday, August 22 – Lily and Tristan spent the night Friday and both are thoroughly addicted to the ipod touch. They get to use Grandpa’s when they come and what a fight it is to see who’s turn it is. Tristan is such a whiz at operating it. The only thing he can’t do is enter a password to buy. Lily is getting to be quite an expert herself which is amazing considering she isn’t even 2 yet. Her favorite game is I Hear Ewe and can her little fingers ever fly to get those animals to make their sounds. Switched from fluorescent WB to cloudy WB and what a difference it made – used the 5DM2 this time.




Day 233 One of My Favorites

Saturday, August 21 – I am finally getting to the last of those wedding photos. It has been a busy week and I haven’t been able to spend everyday going through them. Now to the editing process and to do that scrapbook for Rachel. I have all the embellishments purchased and am waiting for my cardstock to arrive from Stamping Up. I sure wish that we had a local scrapbook store where I could match my colors. I need to make a Helena run, I guess. This is one of my favorite shots of Luke and Rachel.  This was not the easiest place to shoot; the lighting was awful. I had to deal with Incandescent floods and fluorescent side lighting at the same time. No windows at all in the church. This shot is one of my favorites for capturing emotion.

Day 232 What Can Beat A Sunrise For Beauty?

Friday, August 20 – Mr. Sun was just peeking his head out when I headed to the barn to do chores. Because the barn is lower than my house, I can get a shot there too before he comes over the top of the hill. That second shot is from the barnyard. Both shot with my G11. It promises to be another nice day. We should finish harvest tomorrow, pending breakdowns and weather. I spent the day with Becca and Emma while Billi went to a workshop. We had a great time. Even made scarves for the American Girl dolls after making a fabric buying trip. I am looking forward to Monday and Tuesday with them. It is hard to believe that school will be starting next week. Where did our summer go?


Day 231 I Feel Like The Pied Piper

Thursday, August 19 – Somedays I feel like the Pied Piper when I do chores in the morning. The cats come running from the barn, all 27 of them, to get their early morning breakfast. I liked the long shadows of me and Sassy that were being cast in the shot and all that texture from the side lighting.  That’s Shadow, Scout Jr., Spot, Blacky, Tommy and Mother up ahead waiting not so patiently. A G11 shot, as were the ones yesterday of Sassy.

Day 230 What Is It With My Cats On Posts?

Wednesday, August 18 – Sassy is the latest barn cat to take a stroll up a post. He didn’t seem to be too upset being up on ‘top of the world’. He even had to take a little bath. I don’t know what it is about those cats and posts. I guess the view is better from up there. We are back harvesting again – started last evening about supper time. It is supposed to be hot all week, so hopefully we can finish up.



Day 229 Visitors

Tuesday, August 17 – I just looked out to see this doe and fawn grazing in front of the house. Shot this with the handi-dandi G11. There are a few alfalfa plants that are coming back tastey green for them to browse on. We have one doe at the barn who has a sit of triplets.

Pretty Drawings

Here is a snapshot of those pretty drawings that Lily did on her legs and arm.

Day 228 Getting Ready

Monday, August 16 – Here is a shot from the wedding Saturday. The bride was having her hair done at the time and I saw an opportunity to shoot her dress with the shoes.  I had the kiddos overnight and they just left for home. Two baths!! They decided that they needed another bath this afternoon, just because. They can not get enough of that big bathtub with the bubbles. Lily had used a Sharpie on her legs and arms before she came yesterday, so the soaking was welcomed by her mom, I am sure. I just finished downloading The Prairie Woman Cooks on my itouch. It will be handy to have it along with me for shopping.

Day 227 Catch Me If You Can!!

Sunday, August 15 – I took the wedding photos for our hired man’s oldest daughter yesterday. This was the first tradition wedding in the family since they left the Hutterite colony. It was such a fun time for them all. I have 1258 photos to go through, so hope to share a few of them with you in the next few days. This little gal is the bride’s namesake, Rachel. She is such a beautiful little girl who can not sit still for even a minute.  The rain coming was a hidden blessing, as all the men could attend the event.

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