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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 89 What Personalities These Little Guys Have!

Tuesday, March 30 – Here are a few more shots of those meat ball eaters. I would bet that Tiffany has seen a huge increase in her grocery bill since they arrived. I was amazed at how much they eat at a meal and they eat anything. Tiffany says if they hesitate to eat something, she just adds some garlic to it. Now those boys are on the right track!!



Day 88 My brother Didn’t Get Them All

Monday, March 29 – Gage says Bryton didn’t get all those yummy Porcupine Meatballs. These two are little eating machines. When one sees how they run around, you can understand why they need so much fuel. Little cuties.



Day 87 – Porcupine Meatballs at Grandma’s – Yum!

Sunday, March 27 – Here are some shots of Bryton eating Porcupine Meatballs. Both of the boys love them and as you can see really get into their food. I used my 100mm macro for all of these shots and really pleased with the job it does. Found out today that I will need surgery on a torn cartilage in my knee.




Day 86 The Cave Dweller

Saturday, March 27- Here is Garry all outfitted for our trip in to the cave we visited in Jamaica. We all had to wear hair nets and helmets. I loved the lighting here at the entrance to the cave. There used to be a nightclub inside (it is a huge cave), but that had to leave as they were afraid that the loud music would start damaging the fragile rock structures. It was very well kept and we have a wonderful tour. I got a bit claustrophobic, but did go all the way through.

Day 85 The Lotus Spa

Friday, March 26 – Take me away!! To the Lotus Spa, any day! This is the spa on the cruise ship. The part I loved most was called the thermal sanctuary.  I spent lots of time here on the heated ceramic recliners soaking up the heat and then did the sauna and steam room thing. It was sheer heaven. Right about now I would pay to make a trip there for an afternoon. I still have not heard a thing from the doc about my MRI. I think they forgot about me. It must not be too serious, I guess. My phone keeps dying and the charger is upstairs. I have to wait until Walter gets home so I have a phone again. Nick and the kiddos stopped in at noon to see me. It was so nice to see someone. Sarah, Ron’s wife, brought up some soup this afternoon too. I will be so happy to get out of this house. I have never been so bored in my life.






Day 84 What A Great Model You Are, Marilynn

Thursday, March 25 – Here are some shots of Marilynn that Carl took recently for a photography class. He is doing such beautiful work. He has such an artistic eye and it shows in his compositions. Thanks, Carl, for sharing these with me.





Day 83 Sharing Tiffany’s Photos

Wednesday, March 24 -Here are a couple of photos that Tiffany took of her boys that I think are so good.  She is getting to be quite the photographer. I hope you don’t mind my sharing your work, Tiffany.







Day 82 Resembling Cherries?

Tuesday , March 23 – I spotted this tree with what looks like a type of cherry growing on it near that unusual flowering tree from yesterday’s post. There was such beautiful foliage and flowers on Jamaica. It is looking very stormy today and the wind is howling. Supposed to snow tomorrow – 100% (Monday). I am still camped out in the family room and awaiting hearing the MRI results. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks to Leslee, Jenn and Sara (my hired man’s wife) we are well fed. The bed I am sleeping in the last few nights is way better than mine upstairs. I wonder if that hasn’t been bothering my back. I need to convince Walter to consider a Sleep Number bed and soon.



Day 81 Now That Is One Awesome Flower

Monday, March 22 – Here is a flower that we saw at the Dunn River Falls in Jamaca. The tree was pretty bare of leaves and just had these gorgeous flowers on branch tips. I have no idea the name, but they are certainly pretty, aren’t they?


Day 80 A Carpet of Yellow

Sunday, March 21 – On to Jamaica. The trees had just finished blooming and had dropped all their beautiful yellow flowers. What a pretty carpet.

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