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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 285 Katie Is Back

Monday, October 12 – I did a shoot with Katie last Thursday. Here are a few shots right from camera. They need a little post processing if I decide to do anything with them. Tristan will be with us the next 4 days. It is going to be nonstop spoiling!! It is supposed to warm up the next couple of days. I am partially pack for my trip. I still need to get all my camera gear together though. My mom told me that there were 40 students out with flu in Belt, which is a high percentage of students. I am still feeling fine!!



Day 284 Summer Is Really Over

Sunday, October 10 – It is 4 degrees out right now. I spent all afternoon and evening with my sis, Mom and Dad. We did some planning for the future and had such a nice visit. Aimee and I stayed for supper and had hamburgers. Mom had made dad is favorite cookies; molasses. My mom amazes me. She still spoils my dad with homemade goodies. I finally got that wonderful salsa recipe from Aimee. It is so good. She also gave me a new one for green tomato soup. Sounds interesting. Kristie and Nick will be here tomorrow night (Sunday) on their way to Bozeman and flying out to Santa Fe. Tristan will be here all week and we get to spoil him royally. Grandpa Walter loves it when he stays. He gets to have him for a couple days and a night all by himself, as I leave for Portland this week. I need to do my packing tomorrow. This shot was taken at our cabin in the Highwoods. I think this thistle was saying farewell to summer. See you next year, little purple flower.

Right Again!

You are right, those are Tristan’s big blue eyes. I was so glad to get to see him and Lily when his daddy came to bury Jasmine. My sis, Aimee, stopped in too. It is a very cold evening; already 24 degree and supposed to go down in to the single digits tonight, tomorrow night and Sunday night. Come on, Mr. Weatherman, bring me some good new for next week.

Day 283 – Saying Goodbye To Jasmine

Saturday, October 10 – It is with a very heavy heart that I say goodbye to Nick and Kristie’s black lab, Jasmine.  She had been Kristie’s beloved pet before she and Nick were married. She was Kristie’s baby before Tristan and Lily. Her hips and knee had been bothering her more and more and she had slowed down so much in the last few weeks. I noticed that she just layed in the laundry room last week when I stayed with the kiddos. Friday morning she started having seisures and died a short time later before they could get her to Great Falls to the veterinarian. Nick brought her here to bury her down by the creek where she loved to run in the water. I am just heart sick for Kristie, as I know how much it hurts to lose a pet that you have loved so. It wasn’t long ago that I lost my own beloved cat, Tripod and it still is hard. Our pets become part of our families and touch our lives so deeply. My heart goes out to you, Kristie and Nick. I took these photos this past spring in Fort Benton. They are not the best, but will have to do. Now I wish I had taken the time to do some better shots of Jazzy. You will be greatly missed,  Kristie’s loyal companion.


Day 282 And Now Who Is This?

Friday, October 9 – This month is speeding right along. I thought I would put up another set of those awesome eyes to identify today. I think this one is easy, but then, obviously, the last ones were too.

Day 281 I Love My Cousin

Thursday, October 8 - Here is a shot of, Bryton, one of Tiffany’s twins, and Nick’s Lily. They were so cute that day. Lily crawled over to Bryton and cuddled up to him. She was just fascinated with the two boys. I thought this was such a cute shot of the two of them. I think she was thoroughly enjoying her cousin patting her head.  It was so sweet!  Photo courtesy of Tiffany.  Thanks Tif, for sending the pictures.  It is actually Wednesday when I am doing this and it is snowing like  crazy out. We woke to several inches of snow and it hasn’t stopped one bit yet. It is brightening up some though.  I put a pot of chili on; good day for that. Flu seems to be on the increase in town, so I am staying home.

Right Again

Right again, those eyes belong to Lily this time. Aren’t those eyelashes something? Walter noticed them from the time she was a newborn. I swear they just keep getting longer.

Day 280 Whose Eyes This Time?

Wednesday, October 7 – Thought I would put another set of eyes up here to see if you can guess who these belong to? Look at those eyelashes? And they are not fake, folks. Wind is howling out today and blowing in the next storm.  I have just been staying home the last few days. 

Day 279 I Want Summer Back

Tuesday, October 6 – We had snow today and it is so chilly out tonight. I guess I am showing my age, as going south for the season sounds very tempting. Lily and Tristan will be here in the morning. I hope to get some shots this time. That is really hard with the two fo them. Here is a shot from a couple of weeks ago when the flowers were enjoying 80 degree weather.

DAY 278 Boy Shoots Pumpkin

Mon, October 5 – Tristan grew lots of pumpkins in his garden this year. He decided it was time to shoot one while i was babysitting. He also voted down hair combing for the day. I brought along some tattoos that he insisted on trying out.  What a little character he is. No snow yet here, but it is very cold out. We have Lily and Tristan for the evening. Tristan is giving Grandpon a lesson in computers.I just listened to the weather forecast and it is supposed to turn very wintery overnight. By next weekend, we are supposed to have zero to just above zero lows. I sure hope it turns a bit nicer for my trip over to Oregon. I got my photos uploaded and now will wait for the critiques. Next lesson is a doozy and I have no idea where I will even start shooting for this one. I sure am keeping the granddaughters in my prayers that they will get over this flu bug soon. I feel so sorry for them and their moms. I have my fingers and toes crossed that it passes me by.

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