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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 294 Could It Get Better Than This?

Wednesday, October 21 – more of those gorgeous leaves at Silver Falls.  All of these first photos were taken on the first day of shooting.

Day 293 Leaf Monet

Tuesday, October 20 – A couple of Monet shots that I did of some leaves. The first is twirling the camera and the 2nd is zooming.  Both were taken at Silver Falls.


Day 292 A Beam Of Sunlight

Monday, October 19 – Another early morning shot at Silver Falls. This is right below the first falls we shot. I noticed that beam of sunlight illuminating those gorgeous red and yellow bushes and just had to take a shot.

Day 291 What A Beautiful Morning

Sunday, October 18 – This was shot at our motel in Silverton the very first morning we were there. The big old Pineappple Express rain was on it’s way later that afternoon.

Day 290 Where Has All The Color Gone?

Saturday, October 17 – A shot from Silver Falls state park. This was the most gorgeous place and colors were just perfect.  We have nothing here like this. This year is very drab, as all the leaves just fell off the trees while green or are dried up on the trees.

Back Home

I got home last night from my photographic workshop in Portland. It was snowing on Roger’s Pass and I am sure glad I came last night. It was a fun trip and I so enjoyed the whole thing. It did rain, but we worked around that. I got to shoot some pretty spectacular scenery. There were 7 other photographers along and all were so enjoyable. Funny when you have a passion for photography how people can get along so well. There were lots of laughs and lots of learning experiences. My arm is healing nicely, though a bit purple and green yet. I will wear different shoes for going in the water next time. I am all signed up for the workshop with Bryan to Glacier next summer already. I plan on starting a training program with weight on my back to get ready for that hike. My new KATA camera bag worked great and I never even had a sore back at all. Guess I picked a really good design for me. I stopped in Spokane on the way home and bought a new point and shoot. It has been something I have been considering for some time now. I was looking at a Leica or Lumix, but ended up with the Canon G11 which just was released. The batteries are charging right now, so that I can try it out.  My photo will follow when the memory cards are finished downloading.

Day 289 October In Portland

Friday, October 16 – Our first official day out in Silverton, Oregon.  We went to a state park to shoot today that had an abundance of waterfalls to photograph. This is where I fell in the creek. The oaks and maples are just blazing with fall colors. The oranges, reds and yellows are everywhere. Here are some leaves that were right outside our motel.

Day 288 Bryan’s Workshop – Portland

Thursday, October 15 – My internet wouldn’t work until tonight, so I am behind with my photos. It is almost midnight here, so I need to get some rest before heading out for another day of shooting. I fell on the rocks by one of the falls we were shooting and have a bruised arm. Camera seems okay, thank heavens. They are tougher than I thought. We were all in the cold water up to our knees to get those wonderful shots. This one was taken right before the falls.

Day 287 This One Is For Curtis

Wednesday, October 14 – This one has both things that you like, Curtis; a train and the full moon. We leave for Portland tomorrow morning bright and early after I take a little kitten to board at the vet. The forcast is for snow tonight again.


Day 286 So Tristan!

Tuesday, October 13 – Just one more day and I am Portland bound. Tristan and I had such a good day. We went to town this morning after doing chores. Found a new warm coat for him to wear to the barn and got barn cat food for while I am gone. Then had lunch at the Udder Factory. He just had to have ice cream for dessert; 6 scoops, no less (gummy bear, strawberry, cookie dough, cake batter, firestick, pumpkin). He ate all but a one scoop. We found some markers and a color book and he has enjoyed them this afternoon. Now he is in watching his new Thomas movie. I have to be up early to get him to preschool, if he gets up for it and the weather holds. It sure feels better out tonight than yesterday did. This is a photo I took of Tristan playing with Lily. He was in full spiderman garb and having so much fun, giggling and rolling on the floor. To be that age again and loving the simple things of life – we grownups could learn so much from youngsters.

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