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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 15 photo and dreaming of spring

I was down doing chores this morning, awaiting the arrival of Mr. Sun and noticed these Russian Olive leaves still hanging on to the branch. It reminds me that winter won’t last forever and this awful weather we have been having will once again turn warm.  First two photos; ISO 400, F/5.6, 1/160s.



Second two photos; ISO 200, F/5.6, 1/80s.

Day 14- You want me to go in where?

Decided to shoot something different this morning. It is miserable out today; gray and fog, which offered some challenges for photos. I have been meaning to shoot the snow drifts blocking our calving shed and thought I would try it today. Not the best composition, but you can see at least the problem the cows are going to face if they decide to calve soon.  Someone, and not me, is going to have to dig out a shovel for this problem. I also am including a shot of a sign on an old piece of equipment. iSO 200, F/8, 1/8th. I switched to ISO .800 for the sign shot.

Day 13 Jade for class

I am taking a Pet Photography class and this is from a shoot I did of Jade for it. Not that pleased with it, but I can not get my Photoshop Lightroom2 to go to the develop module to work on it. Guess I am going to have to contact Adobe and see what is up. I intended to just focus on Jade’s eye and capture the orange reflection there. I used my 50mm lens and had it wide open for that shallow depth of field. ISO100, F/1.4, 1/250th

Day 12 Photo “Who’s Tracks Are Those In My Yard?”

I decided today to catch the last of the snow photos, as it is supposed to be warm all week and it should go in the next day or so. We had around 3 inches of new fluffy stuff overnight. The highway was horrid this morning when I took Mom to the doc. (1st) ISO100, F/8, 1/125th   .(2nd) ISO 200, F/22, 1/50th

Here are some more

These should give it away.  The orange was ...shot with my 100mm macro. All are at ISO100, F/2.8, 1/100 except for the last one and it is ISO 100, F/5.6 and 1/40s.

Day 11 and what is that?

Can you guess what this is? ISO 100, F/2.8, 1/100s

Jade of the Jungle is Day 10

Couldn’t resist capturing Jade hiding in the ‘jungle’. ISO 400, F/8, 1/10th. ...

Late afternoon

Took these late this afternoon of my favorite front yard tree.  ISO 320, f/11, 1/200..

Day 9 Photo

Today was Shep’s day for a shoot.  We had several inches of new snow last night; perfect for dog running and playing.  Data for first pic is ISO 320, F/11, 1/25th. The 2nd is ISO400, F/11, 1/160s. .

Day 8 Photo

I thought about doing cow photos being we were down at the barn all day. But my hands were covered with things that shouldn’t be on any part of my camera, so nixed that idea. Instead, I decided to do some backlit leaves in my atrium downstairs. This is a ficus plant that I have had for over 20 years. I liked how the backlighting made the veining stand out so well. They remind me of stained glass.  ISO 125, 1/80s, F/22;  2nd photo ISO 125, 1/30s, F/11;  ..

3rd photo ISO125, 1/25s, F/16

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