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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 23 Photo – BRRRRR

Yuck, it is back to below zero temps and snow!! When I did chores yesterday morning it was 48 degrees and it was almost 5 below zero this morning when I ventured down to the barn. We got only a couple of inches of fluffy snow thank goodness. The highway should be good tonight when we go to Borries for supper with Carl, Roberta, Marilynn and Kati. Marilynn called last night and informed me that she and Kati were doing a sleepover and that Kati would be coming along to eat with me for my birthday. She is pretty excited at having her own 7th birthday coming soon. So I think this is birthday practice. I am using photos for today that I took yesterday of the candles that Mom used for my birthday. ISO400, F/11, 1/320s...

Day 22 Photo– It’s my birthday!!

I spent the day with my sis, Aimee and my parents. I feel so blessed to have both parents and my sis so healthy and so close. We had lunch that Mom fixed – Oriental Chicken Casserole and Bran Muffins. Aimee made my favorite, Boston Cream Pie.  We worked our annual Corporation meeting in too. It was a lovely day and a great way to celebrate my special day. Walter and I were going to go out to dinner, but I got behind a wreck on Belt hill and by the time I got home it was snowing like crazy. So we decided to just stay home. He got me a new carry-on suitcase for our cruise. It has a detachable backpackeven. We are going out to dinner tomorrow night with Roberta and Carl. I would like to make it up to the Grand Union, but we will see how the weather is.  I am craving some of Nick’s cooking. Might even have to try the frog legs..

Day 21 Photo What is so special about that van?

This is what I did this morning; my first DexaScan. Good news, as the tech cheated and let me see the results and I am normal. My family history is full of osteoporosis; Grandma, Mom and my sis. I guess I have my dad’s strong bone German genes.  I don’t take calcium (which I should) and I don’t ingest any dairy (allergy), so guess it is all that heavy lifting I do at the barn that helps. ISO 100, F/18, 1/80’s.

Super Sunrise

Here are more that I shot of that beautiful sunrise. .........

Day 20 Photo Another Beautiful Day

I am so loving this beautiful weather we are having; 50plus degrees and no snow.  It sounds like that is supposed to change by Thursday and we go back down to below zero by next week. Yuck!!! I took this photo and the ones to follow of another gorgeous sunrise. I know, I take too many sunrise photos, but just couldn’t pass this one up.  Next time I will grab my wide angle; just didn’t have time to grab it this time before the colors faded. ISO 100, F/8, 1/30s.

Day 19 Photo A Vacant Dwelling

Hopefully this is not abandoned, but just vacant right now until spring arrives.  The bird who made this used some pretty blue baling twine. ISO 100, F/16. 1/30th.

Just a few more


Day 18 My precious little twirp

.We had Tristan overnigtht and I just couldn’t resist doing a few shots of my little twirp. He had such fun feeding cows with ‘grandpon”.  I am so grateful that he lives in Fort Benton making it easy to see him often.  These were taken in our basement using the southern windows in the atrium for natural light.  I used my 50mm lens and shot in manual. ISO 400,  F/4.5, 1/100th.

Day 17 Photo We Have Sunshine

Mr. Sun decided to show up for another beautiful day. It is supposed to be close to 60 the next few days. I captured these left over leaves in the first sunlight as it came over the hill at the barn. Tristan was here all night and helped Grandpa feed the cows and pull a calf this morning. What stories he will have to tell! It was very hard driving up to the barn today with the horrible memory of yesterday way too fresh still. I miss little Lucky so much, but know he is in a better place now. ISO 100 (200for 2nd one), F/11 (F/22. for 2nd one), 1/60th (1/30th for 2nd one).

Day 16 Photo and a horrible sad day

I ran over my favorite cat this morning at the barn and am having just a horrible day. I feel just sick and so guilty. This was Marilynn’s kitten that I kept here for her because her mom wouldn’t let her take it home. I raised Lucky when he was orphaned at 6 weeks.  I loved that little black and white kitty so much and looked forward to his sweet purring every morning when I fed him. He will be so missed. I believe our pets go to Heaven so he is now  with his mom.  I am going to share some photos that I took of Lucky this last fall for my photo of the day.


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